undefined undefinedUL Listing Mark undefined undefined
undefined undefined This is one of the most common UL mark. If the tag attached to a product, it means that the product samples meet UL's safety requirements. These requirements are mainly self-published UL safety standards. This type of mark is usually seen in the following categories of products: appliances, computer equipment, furnaces and heaters, fuses, power panels, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, fire extinguishers and sprinkler systems, personal flotation devices, such as life jackets and the life preserver, bullet-proof glass and other thousands of products. undefined undefined
undefined undefined
undefined undefinedC-UL Listing Mark undefined undefined
undefined undefined in Canada that will apply to products sold on the market. In accordance with Canadian safety requirements for this tag affixed to the product evaluation. Canadian safety requirements and U.S. safety requirements may be different. The following types of equipment can be seen on this tag: electrical and computer equipment, vending machines, household burglar alarm systems, lighting equipment, and many other types of products. undefined undefined
undefined undefined
undefined undefinedC-UL US Listing Mark undefined undefined
undefined undefinedUL in early 1998 to introduce this new column name tag. It said that consistent with the requirements of the United States, and consistent with Canada's requirements. Canada / United States flag is optional. UL encourages those products both in the United States evidence, and evidence of the manufacturer in Canada to use this new combination of tags, but manufacturers may choose to continue to use only for the United States or Canada, UL mark. undefined undefined
undefined undefined
Classification tag undefined undefined undefined undefined
undefined undefined after the UL mark appears on products assessment. UL has been affixed with the mark on products made in certain special property assessment. Here is some of the special properties of the risk for a limited scope, or limited or special conditions of use. A typical situation is that the product is graded by the UL general building materials and industrial equipment. For example, the device type from the UL rating are diving suits, fire doors, fire protection equipment and industrial trucks. undefined undefined
undefined undefined
undefined undefinedC-UL Classification Mark undefined undefined
undefined undefined in this classification will apply to the products on the market in Canada. It said that in accordance with Canadian standards UL has to some dangerous situations or characteristics of the product were assessed. For example, C-UL grade products including air filters, blocked fire equipment, certain types of roof systems. undefined undefined
undefined undefined
undefined undefinedC-UL US classification tag undefined undefined
undefined undefinedUL in early 1998 marked the introduction of this new classification