Dutch Association of Electrical Materials (KEMA)
NVKEMA implementation of European Community law on the low-voltage electrical products (February 19, 1973), the Netherlands, "Electric Act" requires that all in the Netherlands on the market of electrical products should meet the required safety standards.
As KEMA certification mark issued in accordance with these standards, so KEMA-KEUR can prove that the electrical product meets the Netherlands, "Electric Act." KEMA is accredited by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, officially recognized by the European Community as the Netherlands, a low-voltage electrical products testing laboratory.
The KEMA-KEUR KEMA certification system under the leadership of the Dutch government established an independent body - recognized by the Dutch Accreditation Council.
Most of the standard to a large extent equivalent to KEMA Netherlands Electrotechnical Commission standard (NEN standard), which in turn are based on IEC or CENELEC standards. KEMA certification applications for foreign manufacturers, in China through a representative or business agent of the application and submit a CB test certificate, you can also apply directly to the Netherlands.