1 --- first consultation provided the applicant to AIJISHI About the Current Situation and description of the proposed certified products such as: product model, name, parts list, drawings, work schematics, technical data sheets, instructions and other information.
2 --- Client agency relationship established (the applicant) and the Agent (AIJISHI) signed agency agreements, and further to a written contract specifying the responsibilities, powers and obligations to ensure that both sides can close with the application process, making the application work to be started and achieve the desired objectives. Power of Attorney must also be submitted to VDE AIJISHI indeed proved by the applicant has appointed their own legal basis.
3 official application form and structure parameter list --- is an important document VDE application, the applicant may provide relevant information for translation commissioned AIJISHI completed, signed by the applicant to send back to VDE.
4 received a formal application for recognition --- VDE application form and structure parameters form, about 2-4 weeks of the application for formal written confirmation, and send invoices, factory inspection questionnaire and other information.
5 --- VDE send samples, while the application is confirmed, will be informed of the specific requirements and test samples sent to the relevant standards are based. AIJISHI can help applicants to obtain the relevant standards, clarifying all the relevant test items, test methods. After the sample must be conducted according to standards or to the internal self-test on laboratory predictions. Forecast after passing the sample by express courier to safe and accurate mail arrived VDE testing.
1) Once all the test items through, AIJISHI will promptly notify the applicant in the first time.
2) The test results may also have defects. Some mild defects, AIJISHI communicate with VDE, as long as slightly amended, do not re-send samples, VDE that is able to certification.
3) When the test results there is a major defect, AIJISHI will discuss with the applicant failed. VDE will test when necessary, the samples failed to return for information analysis. After the sample to be revised and improved for re-examining procedures AIJISHI again samples, until qualified. If within six months to re-samples, then the cost will be re-tested benefits are many.
6 --- sub-factory inspection before issuing the factory inspection and the follow-up inspection scheduled or unscheduled. Factory inspection before, AIJISHI help manufacturers on production facilities, laboratory equipment, measurement and control the entire quality system requirements for self-examination and VDE. If the review, the inspectors make rectification requirements, AIJISHI discussion as soon as possible to help manufacturers quickly implement corrective measures until re-examination qualified.
7 Certification --- check passed in the factory premise, if the samples tested, the results of VDE will promptly notify the AIJISHI, VDE certificate will be issued soon.