CB is in English Certification Bodies' Schemer acronym. Chinese meaning system of certification bodies, the international electrical test certificates issued by the Work Committee system of electrical products.
· NCB is the English National Certification Bodies' Schemer acronym. Chinese meaning of national accreditation bodies, presented to the CB system, electrical products, a certificate of recognition among members of the certification body.
· CB system (CB Scheme - IECEE) is an international electric and electronic products, the Work Committee for Conformity Testing and Certification of electrical product safety test report on the safety test certificate and an international system of mutual recognition. CB system to coordinate the national standard and IEC standards, to make trade easier, and by international certification bodies within the cooperation between the manufacturers so that products are ideal one-stop service: a product, one test, a signs.
· CB system is a real sense of security about electrical and electronic products, the report mutual recognition system. This is a participating country or multilateral agreements certification organization, a manufacturer holds one of the members of the body (NCB) issued by the CB test report and certificate, you can get the other members of the CB system of recognition. Currently more than 40 international countries participated in the Work Committee of the International Electrotechnical products qualified electrical testing and certification organization, a certificate can be issued by the CB and the mutual recognition of national certification body, the NCB. China is the China Quality Certification Center of China only NCB.
· CB system is a prerequisite for the operation of national standards with the corresponding IEC standards-coordinated, if some members of the national standards and IEC standards are not identical, to other members of the need to express, national differences are allowed. CB CB certificate system to a representative sample that has successfully passed the appropriate tests, in line with the corresponding IEC standards (and other members of the national differences.)