International Conformity Certification Program (ICCP) is a Saudi Arabian Standards Organization (SASO) since 1995, one of the first implementation of the rules include compliance assessment product, pre-shipment inspection and certification of the comprehensive plan to ensure that imported before shipment of goods to full compliance with the Saudi product standards. From March 17, 2003, the Industrial Authority of Kuwait (PAI) has begun implementation of the ICCP program, the majority of household appliances, audio products and lighting products are within the scope of the ICCP. In addition, the UAE also May 31, 2003 began to plan the implementation of ICCP.
ICCP plans to exporters or manufacturers to obtain CoC certification provides three channels, the customer according to the nature of their products, the degree of conformity, and the frequency of shipping to select the most appropriate way. CoC certificate authorized by the SASO SASO Country Office (SCO) or authorized by the PAI PAI Country Office (PCO) for the issue.
Way 1: compliance verification before shipment
This method is most suitable for small exporters shipped or manufacturer. Before each shipment to apply for inspection before shipping (PSI) and pre-shipment test (PST). Both can be qualified to obtain a CoC certificate.
Way 2: Registration and pre-shipment inspection
This way for the vast majority of customers, it has the advantage of each shipment inspection (PSI), although necessary, but each batch of goods prior to shipment without further testing (PST). Customers through the submission of state standards, and provide the importing countries and relevant international or national standards of the test report and affirm products to meet the basic requirements of the importing country and the national differences, he will be eligible for registration certificates Statement for Registration (SfR).
Way 3: Type Approval Certificate
This approach can save pre-inspection fees for each shipment or testing costs, simplify application procedures repeatedly, and guarantee delivery time, and are thus part of the more frequent or larger ship, a big focus on quality and reputation companies favor. Exporter or the manufacturer's products only in full compliance with mandatory standards for importing and exporting countries to get Statement for Licence (SfL) certificate. The certificate is valid for one year, due to be submitted before the updated factory inspection report and pay an annual fee and can be renewed after review by the RLC. Products obtained SfL certificates are no longer required for each batch of goods prior to shipment inspection (PSI), which was reduced to very few times a year testing (usually 2-3 times / year, according to product availability).
Channels 1 and 2 pre-shipment inspection costs by:
1, FOB at the US $ 3,000 are exempted from inspection fees