Overview of India
Release Date: [2017/3/30 17:38:36]    Total read [] Times

      The Republic of India is located on the subcontinent of South Asia with an area of ​​about 3 million square kilometers and a population of about 1.027 billion (as of March 31, 2001). The capital of New Delhi, with a population of about 11 million.
      India is a multi-ethnic country with Indians (46.3% of the total population), the Talo clan (8.6%), the Bengal (7.7%), the Mara (7.6%), the Thai Mill (7.4%) and so on more than 10 large ethnic groups, and dozens of smaller ethnic groups.
Indian ethnic groups have different languages, of which the Indian Constitution recognized 15 kinds of national languages, the national official language for the Hindi and English 2 kinds. The Constitution of India had been allowed to retain English as the official language until January 26, 1965, followed by the abolition of the official language status of English, retaining only the Hindi as the official language, but the Indian and other non-Hindi regions strongly resisted, India The lower house of parliament had to pass the official language amendment bill, allowing English to continue as one of the official languages.
Indian society is a multi-religious society, the world's major religions in India have their believers. According to the statistics of the 1970s, the proportion of the main religious believers was 82.7% for Hindus, 11.2% for Muslims, 1.8% for Sikhs, 0.7% for Buddhists, 0.47% for Jainians, 0.4 for Persian coaches %.

      Caste system is a feudal hierarchy of Indian society, closely linked to Hindu doctrine. The four kinds of caste were: Brahmin, the emperor, bark, the first Tuo Luo. In addition to the four caste, there are people called "no contact" or "untouchable" people. According to the Indian Constitution, the caste system has been nominally abolished by law, but as of now, it still plays a role in India's political, economic and social aspects.

      India has been carrying out economic reforms since 1991, with rapid economic growth in recent years and an annual growth rate of 4-6% in gross domestic product (GDP). In the 2000-01 financial year, India's total national GDP was $ 459.8 billion and per capita GDP was about $ 450. According to statistics, the total grain output in India in the 2001-2002 fiscal year reached 209 million tons, not only self-sufficient, but also the stock is also increasing.

India's three major industries in the national economy are occupying an important position, the three major industries accounted for the proportion of the national economy (in 1999 - 2000 fiscal year, for example) were: the first industry accounted for 29%, the second industry accounted for 24% Three industries accounted for 47%. India's six major industrial industries are oil, petrochemical, coal, electricity, cement and steel.

      In 2001 fiscal year, India's total imports and exports amounted to 94.652 billion US dollars, of which exports 43.998 billion US dollars, down 0.08%; imports 50.654 billion US dollars, an increase of 1.08%. The trade deficit was $ 6,655 million, a slight increase from $ 6.078 billion in the previous fiscal year. In India, imports of oil, about 1/3 of oil imports, India's 67% of oil consumption needs to rely on imports.
      Sino-Indian economic and trade development in recent years. Bilateral trade volume in 1991 was only US $ 256 million and increased to US $ 2.94 billion by the year 2000. In 2001, bilateral trade volume between China and India increased further to US $ 3.596 billion, up 23.4% year on year. Bilateral trade in 2002 is expected to exceed $ 4 billion. China and India have a large population, a huge market, in some areas more complementary, expanding bilateral economic and trade there is a certain potential, to be further excavation of both sides.

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