Israeli trade barriers
Israel's early high tariff levels, non-tariff barriers is also very serious. Since 1975 a free trade agreement with the EC after the tariffs on imported goods began to be gradually reduced. 1985 to sign a free trade agreement with the United States and later met with the European Free Trade Association, Canada, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Turkey, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia networks Slovenia and Jordan signed a free trade agreement. This free trade agreement from countries duty-free imports of basic industrial products, agricultural products also enjoy preferential rates.
Will not have to sign a free trade agreement with which the countries classified as "third countries" (Third Countries). September 1991 to implement trade liberalization, began to "third countries" open the market of industrial products, from "third countries" to gradually reduce tariffs on imported products. Steel, glass, tires, refrigerators, and most industrial products, liberalization of the end of 1996; wood, footwear and a few other "sensitive" industrial goods liberalization ended in 1998; textiles liberalization in September 2000