Israel's imports of goods Management
Imports of goods into Israel subject to Customs examination is required, and according to country of origin and customs tariff number of different pay various taxes and fees. Customs import duties and VAT from the Treasury Secretary is responsible for formulating the specific port of entry clearance by the customs service department management.
Israel in recent years to gradually reduce the import of non-tariff barriers. But still there is no prohibition from a number of trade relations with Israel imported goods, mainly some Arab countries, Muslim countries, and is neither a WTO member is not yet signed a trade agreement with the State of Israel. Imports of some products need to apply for a permit in advance to the Ministry of Trade and Industry, including agricultural products, food, medical products and so on. Imports of some goods must comply with the safety, environmental protection, signs and other aspects of the Israeli standard (reference to trade barriers related to the contents of the situation.)
First, prepare customs clearance documents
The owner of the imported goods must be immediately or after their arrival in the customs tax return within the time allowed staff. Import declaration using the Hebrew language, not necessarily its accompanying documents. Outside the cargo manifest (such as container, samples, etc.) do not need to import declaration. Goods "declaration" or "owner" can be the owner himself, who imported collection, collection of the registered employee or registered customs agent and so on.
If the various documents available, it can be "personal import." The program can Customs Service (Customs Service Bureau) for.
Clearance must be or may use to file as described below; but in most cases, only be required for the standard file. (File is usually the minimum number of copies: 5 copies of import declaration forms, invoices and brochures 3 copies of other documents 1)
1, delivery instructions list, send the bill of lading bill of lading or air;
2, the shipping and handling inventory list;
3, the insurance policy;
4, invoices;
5, the packing list;
6, market table, catalog, price list or other goods used to confirm the classification of documents;
7, the supplier (manufacturer) and on the terms of the contract between the importer correspondence;
8, the import licensing requirements, a certificate of quality standards and documents;
9, the general certificate or certificate of origin;
10, a direct bill of lading;
11, allowed to postpone payment on all or part of customs duties and other taxes (such as re-exports and the import business), or by special arrangement to pay the tax certificate;
12, import licenses;
13, by specific institutions (such as the Bureau of Standards, Trade and Industry, Defence, Communications, etc.) issued quality certificates or other proof.
Submissions must be original, unless the charge of the customs officials agreed to accept copies by comparison, but in any case must be the original bill of lading. The paper should be as non-Hebrew English version.
Require foreign suppliers to provide all the invoices, brochures and other relevant documents must include the original and two copies. If the goods are transported in batches, then each entry must provide the same number of copies of the documents to customs clearance.
Israeli customs regulations no consular endorsement clause.
Second, the import tariff
Israel is the World Customs Organization member countries, using internationally accepted classification of goods "Commodity Description and Coding System." Israel or WTO member countries, in accordance with the relevant provisions of WTO, import duty-paid price is mainly determined according to the importer to pay the price. Tax generally based on a percentage of customs &#118alue, a small number of goods tax or the fixed combination approach in two ways.
Israel and the United States, European Union countries signed a free trade agreement, provides for exemption from customs duties between the types of goods. Industrial products imported from other countries has dropped to 12% of tariff levels, tariff rate to 8% of raw materials. However, the steps to relax restrictions on agricultural imports is still relatively slow.
Third, the import tax on purchase
In addition to other duties, some of the goods needed to pay the purchase tax. Meet certain conditions can be exempt from purchase tax importers.
(A) the specific identity of the importer
1, the importer for the health sector;
2, importers being approved by the chief scientist of research and development, and the goods are necessary for product research and development work;
3, importers, Department of "approved enterprise", a facility for the manufacture of the goods required for the product.
Customs officials usually check whether you can apply the relevant provisions. When the release of the goods, the Customs has confirmed that the goods will go where the enterprise has been declared for the original purpose, before the final tax. Company may have to accept the Division's follow-up to several years only if the imported goods are removed (end of accumulated depreciation), the considered as the end clearance.
Conditional exemption period, the importer must provide guarantees; sometimes full, sometimes only for a specific device.
If the goods are no longer used for the purpose of the licensee or by the use of unauthorized agency, then for a particular customs procedure (such as payment of the tax depreciation, etc.).
(B) specific purpose equipment
Imports of industrial companies in the production facility installed air-conditioning and closed circuit television system, you can purchase tax exemption. Imports for industrial use central air conditioning system "approved enterprise" If you want to enjoy a conditional purchase tax exemption treatment, shall submit the following documents:
1, the importer briefings;
2, security - usually the owner or president of corporate tax liability on the guarantee, as well as deferred payments of bank guarantees. Sometimes the only bank guarantees the full amount of deferred tax liability;
3, "approved enterprise" approval certificate;
4, by government departments, INBAL insurance companies or industrial development bank issued a certificate stating the amount of approved investment projects in the air.
Fourth, import VAT
For most imported goods, the purchase of goods should pay 17% VAT. In principle, when the imported services and intangible assets, if paid in foreign exchange shall be subject to VAT.
Fifth, other import control measures
Other import management measures include: import licenses, quantitative restrictions, quotas, anti-dumping duties, import commodity inspection and so on.
Importers apply for import licenses must be Israeli citizens or companies registered in Israel. Industry and Trade Ministry of application should submit an import license application form and submit the order, invoice or foreign suppliers (manufacturers) of the quotation. These are often the import license applications received within 14 days for processing.
Special certificate depending on the circumstances by the Ministry of Health, Agriculture, Transportation, Trade and Industry Department, Ministry of Communications issued to importers and other relevant agencies, agreed to terms of imported goods certificate requirements.
Most of the imports commodity inspection conducted by the Israel Standards Institute, medicine, agricultural products, respectively, by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture. Standards Association in accordance with established procedures, quality certificate based on the sample tests, some of the test and identification test results presented. Sample test product in the first ship before or after arrival, commonly used on electrical equipment and other similar testing of complex products; some of the test are applicable to all products; identification test is usually carried out at the port, bonded warehouse or the importer is also sometimes their own warehouses, and its purpose is to confirm the correct cargo inspection and testing a sample of licensed products.
"Consumer Protection Act" to do a certain amount of import requirements, such as domestic and imported goods require the use of certain Hebrew marked "Terms of goods marked" and so on.
"Science House" (Kosher) certificate?? Jewish law there are some special food and other provisions, similar to the Islamic "halal" requirements. If the importer to sell in Israel with the "Branch House" (Kosher) marked foods, you must have a large Jewish Rabbi by the certificate issued.