Mandatory product certification fee
State Planning Commission on the mandatory notification of product certification fees
State Planning Commission on mandatory product certification fees notice June 11, 2002 Total Price [2002] No. 889 Certification and Accreditation Administration Committee:
You committees "on the issue of fees for compulsory product certification letter" (national certification letter [2002] No. 40) has been received. Mandatory product certification fees to regulate behavior, to adapt to the requirements of China's accession to WTO, the study is to have the mandatory product certification of the certification bodies involved in human health and safety, animal and plant life and health, and environmental protection and public safety Products compulsory product certification fees and charges and the matter are as follows:
First, the compulsory product certification fees and charges
(A) application fee.
Is accepting applicants for certification mandatory product certification costs. Application fee charges for the 600. Among them, accept overseas applicants, due to pay relatively high communications costs, charge the communication costs 500 yuan; non-Chinese translation of the information charge the fee of 1,000 yuan.
(B) of the product testing costs.
Is the product testing organization in accordance with product certification standards and technical requirements for testing and test report issued by the costs.
Product testing fees according to the original State Price Bureau, Ministry of Finance "on the release [1992] price fee 496 word document does not provide for the inspection fee program, temporarily appointed by you in accordance with the principle of compensation for the cost of the approved testing charges, and reports it after the implementation of the Committee for the record. Cost of detection include detection of personnel expenditures, materials, water and fuel, testing space and maintenance costs, equipment depreciation and management fees.
(C) of the factory inspection fee.
Is a certification body in accordance with the requirements of certified products, factory inspection conducted document review, field audit and factory inspection report issued by the costs.
Factory inspection fee for each monitor auditors of 3,500 yuan per working day.
Jutisuoxu auditor oversight and review of the number of days (man. Day), appointed by you to implement mandatory product certification under the strict rules approved by, and reports it after the implementation of the Committee for the record.
Access to national recognition of quality system certification and other enterprises, the general validity of the certificate does not implement mandatory product certification of quality assurance review of the capacity, do not receive the appropriate review fees. Taking into account the large differences in transport costs certified in accordance with international practice, the personnel cost of transport to and from the applicant by the certification burden. Certification body shall not charge room and board certification enterprise.
(D) approval and registration fees.
Is a certification body products that meet the certification requirements to be assessed, the costs of issuance of the certificates.
Approval and registration fee (including certificate fee) charges 800 yuan for each.
(E) monitoring review fee.
Is a product certification accreditation body under the provisions of the implementation of the rule review, and oversight of the certification review business expenses incurred, specifically including factory inspection and sample testing fee.
Up inspection fee of no more than certification of factory inspection and product testing costs 25% of all charges. However, expansion of certified products and changes involving the supervision of review, the factory inspection and product testing fees should be charged actual costs.
(F) annuities.
After the product is registered to maintain certification, liability risk, provide information and handle complaints, complaints and disputes and other costs.
Annuity standard certified product each year 400.
(G) certification mark fees.
Is a certification mark making and implementation of management costs.
Divided Logo royalty fees or the approval of two signs.
Direct use of the required certification mark (CCC), the charge sign fee. Mark the specific charges fees as follows: 0.07 per 8 mm mark each chop; 0.14 per 15 mm mark each chop; 0.28 per 30 mm mark each chop; 45 mm mark each costing 0.52 yuan; 60 mm 0.56 yuan each chop mark.
Approved by the certification body of the product or packaging in printed or molded mark their own, received marks approved for use fees.
Approved the use of signs for each charge fees to use the logo in the form of a 1,000 yuan per year.
Second, the compulsory product certification fee for the operational and service charges, the charging units should pay taxes according to law. Certification agencies are still public institutions, should be required to specify the pricing department to obtain a "license fee."
Third, the charging unit charges will be allowed to expand the scope and improve the standard fees, and willingly accept the price supervision and inspection departments.
Fourth, non-mandatory product certification fee based upon the "State Planning Commission, the State Quality and Technical Supervision on the issuance of certification of product quality management methods and fees charged General [FS: PAGE] knowledge" (total price of [1999] 1610) provides implementation.
Fifth, the notice from May 1, 2002 from the trial. A trial period of 2 years after the trial expires, you are appointed by the Commission to re-declare to me.
National Development Planning Commission