Approval, to maintain, expand, reduce, suspend, resume, revocation, cancellation
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Approval, to maintain, expand, reduce, suspend, resume, revocation, cancellation of the conditions of certification

Approval, to maintain, expand, reduce, suspend, resume, revocation, cancellation of the conditions of certification
Approval, to maintain, expand, reduce, suspend, resume, revocation, cancellation of the conditions of certification

(1st edition, Revision 2)

1. Scope

This procedure applies to the approval of product certification, maintain, expand, reduce, suspend, resume, revocation, cancellation of certification and CB test certificate approval, revocation and test certificates / reports of the changes.

2. Product Certification

2.1 The conditions of approval of certification

Meet the following conditions, may approve the issuance of the certificates.

2.1.1 The applicant has legal status, and in the certification process to fulfill the responsibilities and obligations;

2.1.2 Product been tested and found the corresponding certification standards;

2.1.3 The inspection facility meets the requirements;

2.1.4 documents are complete;

2.1.5 the applicant to pay the relevant certification costs.

2.2 The conditions of maintaining certification

Meet the following conditions may continue to hold the certificate.

2.2.1 within the validity of certification, the certified products through the product when necessary sampling and testing (production lines, warehouse, market), they prove to be consistent with appropriate certification standards;

2.2.2 within the certification period, through the supervision and inspection to prove that the factory still meet the requirements of supervisory review; 2.2.3 certification changes, click "Change product certification requirements and procedures" requirement for the relevant procedures; 2.2.4 within the validity of certification, there is no violation of "product certification pause, resume, revocation, cancellation of the conditions and procedures" of the situation; 2.2.5 in accordance with the relevant provisions and the use of the product certification mark; 2.2.6 The applicant pays the costs related to certification . 2.3 Conditions to expand the scope of certification

2.3.1 Model / category to expand a. certified products and certified products have been produced from the same production site, and has been certified products with the other models use the same standard / type of product; b. application for certification of products and card products have been produced from the same production site, but use a different standard certified product the other categories of products.

2.3.2 the expansion of production sites have been certified products to increase production sites. 2.4 narrowing the scope of certification to reduce the conditions contained in the certificate with a product model. Suspend the certification of the conditions of 2.5

One of the following cases, the suspended certificates.

2.5.1 the certificate holder fails to require the use of certificates and certification marks;

2.5.2 the certificate holder who contravenes the rules or the implementation of compulsory product certification CQC logo certification requirements;

2.5.3 Follow-up inspection results / national quality supervision and inspection results to prove that products do not meet the requirements of product certification implementation rule, but do not require immediate revocation of the certificate;

2.5.4 payment of 1 month than non-payment of pension and other management costs of certification;

2.5.5 certified product and quality assurance system has undergone major changes in the applicant report to the Certification Center, recognized the need to suspend the certificate;

2.5.6 suspension of the applicant;

2.5.7 Other conditions need to pause.

2.6 restore the conditions for certification

2.6.1 2.5.1 ~ 2.5.5 situation occurs, the suspension of the applicant through the rectification period, in line with the rectification requirements.

2.6.2 2.5.6 situation occurs, the factory to be certified by the last initial factory inspection / oversight review conducted within 2 years after all elements of the factory inspection and sample testing, and pay the relevant fees.

Withdrawal of the accreditation conditions 2.7

One of the following conditions, revoke the certificate authentication center. In addition to the situation described occurred 2.7.6,2.7.7 revoke the certificate, but also investigated the corresponding legal responsibility.

2.7.1 AQSIQ and CNCA issued a document requiring revocation;
2.7.2 monitoring results show that there are serious defects in products;
2.7.3 certified products because of serious defects led to major quality accidents;
2.7.4 Suspension of the certificate within the period, the holder fails to take corrective measures;
2.7.5 2.5.4 situation occurs, more than 1 month suspension of certification is still not paid the cost;
2.7.6 the certificate holder and the illegal use of certification marks have serious consequences;
2.7.7 forged certificates;
2.7.8 Other needs revoked.
Cancellation of a certificate of 2.8
One of the following conditions, cancellation of certificate authentication center.

2.8.1 Certification applicable national standards, technical rules or rule changes for certification, the licensee can not meet the requirements of such changes;
2.8.2 the certificate expired, the holder did not apply for extension of use;
2.8.3 Certified products are no longer manufactured;
2.8.4 apply for the cancellation of the holder;
2.8.5 Other circumstances require cancellation.

3. CB test certificate

3.1 CB test certificate approved for the condition:
a. the applicant has legal status in the certification process and promised to take responsibilities and obligations and the use of CB test certificate in the process of compliance with the rules of IECEE system;
b. The test product line with the corresponding IEC standards.

3.2 CB test report / certificate to change the conditions:
a. The applicant / manufacturer / factory name and address changes;
b. has been received in CB test reports / certificates on the basis of some additional countries / regions of the standard difference test;
c. changes in product identification;
d. changes in product safety cases;
e. Change the application should be presented in the CB test certificate submitted within two years, according to the new application processing time-out.

3.3 If the following cases, CQC CB test certificate will be withdrawn:
a. abuse of certificate;
b. Products are no longer tested and the test samples described in the report match;
c. The certificate holder required to withdraw;
d. a certificate issued by an error.


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