CE mark has not prove that the meaning of quality standards?
Release Date: [2017/3/30 10:48:08] Total read [] Times
Constitute the core of the European directive "major requirements", in the EC May 7, 1985 the (85/C136/01) No. "technical coordination and standards for new methods of resolution" in the development and implementation of the need for instruction purposes " the main requirements "has a specific meaning, that is only limited to products do not endanger humans, animals and goods security basic safety requirements, rather than the general quality requirements, coordination of the main requirements of Directive only provides general instructions to the standard task. Products comply with relevant directives of the main requirements, you can attach a CE mark, rather than by the quality of the standard provisions of the general rule can use the CE mark. Therefore, the exact meaning is: CE mark is a sign rather than the quality of safety approval mark.