CSA label services divided into two categories: LABEL LICENSING SERVICE and LABEL SERVICE.
LABEL LICENSING SERVICE label services, allowing customers to make their own printed labels for products. The service must be made by the client application to the Canadian CSA was approved before implementation. Meanwhile, the customer must accept the service every three months to report truthfully to the Canadian CSA CSA mark with the number of times to determine the costs involved.
LABEL SERVICE labeling services, customers buy directly related to the CSA label and used products.
LABEL SERVICE label service for most customers and is widely used, the specific description is as follows:
CSA labels Category:
CSA label is divided into two categories: standard tag (Standard Label) and joint-type tags (Combination Label).
Standard labels are usually printed and retained a large number of stocks in the CSA, customers get to use readily available supplies. Some products only use standard tags, such as: electronic line (Equipment Wire and Cable) and the power cord (Flexible Cord).
Joint-type tags are usually designed for a customer and printing, and to the client (certificate applicant) name or (and) CSA file number printed on it. Some products can only use joint-type labels, such as: extension cords (Cord Set) and the Christmas lights (Decorative Lighting). Customer orders should be considered joint-type label ordering in advance to meet the needs of production, it generally takes time: about 3 weeks printing time + extra shipping time.
In addition, some products can choose to use standard labels or joint-type labels, such as: Portable Lighting (Portable Luminaire)
CSA label serial number:
CSA labels are printed with serial number. Serial number in two ways: one is unique for each label has a separate series of numbers, such as: joint type tag; the other is a group or a box (1000) label a uniform series of numbers, such as: Standard type label.
CSA label order:
CSA label only by the applicant (Submittor) CSA label sales to the Order of Canada, usually does not allow factory orders directly to the CSA label. Customers can obtain a copy of the CSA test center in Guangzhou label order forms.
The price tag CSA Consulting:
Customers can fax (Fax: 416/747-2475) CSA label sales to Canada's Liz Orr or Ms. Barbara Switzer Advisory label on the standard price; to Ms. Lucy Pece consultation on joint-type price tags.
CSA labels are eligible for:
Upon receipt of CSA label sales (CSA LABEL SALES) fax invoice (INVOICE), you can contact with the CSA test center in Guangzhou for labeling to determine the time and manner. If the order has been delivered to CSA label and test center in Guangzhou, customers can send someone to collect labels.
Customers receive a label, bring along the following documents:
1. CSA label sales in Canada (CSA LABEL SALES) fax to your factory (Division) of the invoice (INVOICE);
2. Recipients of the working papers, such as stamped with the official seal of the letter of introduction, with photos of the factory card.
With the above documents, customers every day from Monday to Friday, 8:30-12:00 am, 1:30-5:00 pm to the CSA test center in Guangzhou through the relevant formalities.
It is noteworthy that, in order to avoid wasting time, before the customers come for labeling, be sure to contact the CSA by telephone and Inspection Center, Guangzhou Miss Lee (Tel 020-87321235 / 87323615), confirmed later sent officers to come to receive.
CSA label use management:
The factory shall manage the use of CSA labels, labels used to develop records, records of the use of each batch of labels to CSA factory inspectors during routine inspections to determine the status and the use of CSA label stock.