When you / your company first applied for CSA, newly out of a CSA file number or applicant name has changed, to ensure that you / your company to understand the services provided by CSA, CSA special send "CSA products and services agreement" together with the annual bill to you, if your company fails to return as scheduled to sign this contract CSA, is authorized to use the CSA mark acts as if not completed. To avoid affecting your rights, in particular this document translated into Chinese for your reference.
The agreement number (THIS AGREEMENT NO.): XXXXXX Agreement Date (Dated): years. Months. Date
The two sides signed the agreement name: CANADIAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATION (Canadian Standards Association, referred to as CSA)
a corporation without share capital incorporated under the laws of Canada ("CSA")
ABC CO., LTD. (Customer name)
The two sides agreed as follows:
Definition (Definitions)
- Certification Mark (Certification Mark (S)):
According to the Trademark Law refers to registration, in addition to CSA certified products, certification marks, belonging to CSA or grant CSA (if AGA CGA Blue Star and Blue flame logo), and the request can be used in the CSA certification mark.
- Certification (Certification), has been certified (Certified):
By the CSA in accordance with the relevant norms that samples of products made of conformity assessment, testing, known as authentication. In accordance with the relevant norms of production, manufacture and labeling of products, as certified;
- Certification Record (Certification Record):
Means the customer list of certified products, including product classification and models, specifications and permits the factory location;
- Certification Report (Certification Report):
CSA for the structure and characteristics of the products described in the assessment and certification process and testing of the instruments issued by;
- Product (Equipment):
The CSA, CSA certification mark can be added according to the items.
- Factory (Factory):
Written certification record, quasi-mark certification marks on products, unique sites;
- Label (Label): Agreement described in section 1.2;
- Representative (Representative): CSA designated representative;
- Specifications (Requirements):
CSA recognized as certified by the applicable provisions of norms.
Certification (Certification)
1.1 Product certification:
CSA may authorize its products for its customers certified that the reporting requirements may, in accordance with CSA certification mark. This license non-exclusive license. Products to be labeled in accordance with reporting requirements for certification, certification of the parties as expressed.
1.2 tags:
CSA CSA label authorized customers to the representation of certification marks (limited service product label), then
(A) Customer shall be in accordance with the terms of the existing CSA CSA from buying; also authorized by the CSA to [CSA labels authorized service] instead of buying labels.
(B) plant products only in the specified labeling.
(C) any of the CSA representatives are entitled to under section 4.2 to obtain partial or full ownership of unused labels.
1.3 Advertising:
Products covered by this Agreement before its advertising or promotional materials, or other CSA instruments show up sign. When referred to CSA, the certification shall not exceed the scope of misleading. Customer agrees to a written request in accordance with CSA to modify or stop using these
Advertising or promotional materials, or other instruments.
Compliant (Compliance with Requirements)
2.1 Match:
For the certification that the product should meet the relevant specifications of products.
2.2 Inspection:
CSA at the factory or other authorized places do not notice the product testing. The purpose of security or as a result of coordination to be notice to customers should be made in writing to the CSA notice of reasonable cause, CSA will, according to careful consideration.
2.3 Factory rules:
CSA suggests caution on behalf of the implementation of business to meet the current plant safety and protection rules.
2.4 pass:
CSA representative of any normal working hours are possible at any time in the free movement of products in the design, manufacture, testing or storage place, and customers should be fully representative of the implementation of this Agreement with the CSA and the specification of the required inspection, and shall not be required CSA signed away the rights of any document or agreement as a condition of access to customer sites. Violation of the terms or effect of any document shall not be binding.
Please follow the agreement on confidentiality section 3.1.
Confidentiality (Confidentiality)
3.1 Confidential:
Without customer authorization, CSA customers are not allowed to open private information. But the CSA considers potentially dangerous, but rather a warning to the public when, CSA from customers or other publicly available sources of advice. In special circumstances, such as judicial [FS: PAGE] authorities or court order (or similar proceedings) request for information, CSA will notify the customer.
3.2 Third Party:
CSA according to its object and purpose of the implementation of the business, does not assume or discharge any person or customer to comply with legal obligations.
3.3 Testing and certification:
CSA customers agree and accept the opinions and assessments. Otherwise, the client agreed that I should appeal procedures in accordance with CSA CSA's decision on behalf of the petition. The results of the CSA and customer appeal with the same effect. Customers to understand the specification of the number of tests may be dangerous, in addition to the errors due to CSA, otherwise, the customer site testing and evaluation of the implementation of client property and personnel caused the damage, the customer agrees CSA disclaimer.
Notification and corrective action (Notification and Corrective Action)
4.1 notify the CSA:
Agree to notify all of its receipt CSA certified products directly involved in serious personal injury and property damage were reported.
4.2 corrective measures:
Customer agrees to cooperate with the CSA and is responsible for taking corrective action and all costs, to ensure that products comply with CSA mark the relevant norms. If no corrective action, CSA right to take all necessary legal support to remove the product certification mark.
4.3 Temporary restrictions:
If the customer fails to perform any of the terms of this Agreement, CSA may be temporarily limited in products for customers certified that right. This restriction may contain more than the normal execution of the technical investigation, inspection or audit. Its cost exceeds 6.2 parts, the client should request the whole amount paid by CSA.
Compensation (Indemnity)
5.1 Compensation:
Customer agrees to maintain CSA from harm and to protect the CSA and its members, directors, officers and employees from any loss, liability burden, or damage, including the misuse of certification marks by customers, customers of any breach of the terms of this agreement, customers or regulate the use of trust with CSA certified products, and resulting costs of litigation.
Administration (Administration)
6.1 Record of Changes:
When a client or the factory's name or address changes, the Customer shall immediately notify the CSA. Such as facilities and / or personnel certification accreditation is also standardized, then the change must be accepted by the CSA.
6.2 Annual fee:
Customer agrees that within thirty days from the billing date to pay annual licensing fees CSA. CSA inspection fees may be included in this annual fee, and may be requested in the examination.
6.3 Other CSA Service Fee:
Effective period of the agreement, the customer agrees to pay any professional fees, the certification of new products, assess the structural changes or other changes in customer records to ensure continuity and accuracy of the cost. If the customer requires, CSA agreed to make fixed before the job offer.
Termination (Termination)
7.1 The Customer requests termination:
This Agreement may, by written notice to CSA customers to terminate. Refund of annual fees and annual percentage of the date of termination in accordance with the due date depending on proximity. However, the annual fee the first year will not be refunded.
7.2CSA to terminate:
If the customer does not comply with any provision of this Agreement, or payment of payables, this Agreement and any other agreement signed with the CSA, can be terminated by written notice to CSA.
7.3 Termination Procedure:
CSA permits issued by the termination of this Agreement will not be used. Customer agrees to immediately cease using the certification mark, label and return the unused CSA. If the label back in the year before the expiration date were purchased from CSA, and in return within one month from the date of termination of those, CSA unopened portion of its leg section to the customer. Regardless of the manner in which termination of this Agreement, the date of termination agreement does not affect the obligations of both parties. Termination of agreement not rule out the customer protection provisions under this Agreement, the obligations of CSA.
Other terms (Miscellaneous Provisions)
8.1 Contact:
Related to this Agreement any notice, contact or request should be submitted in writing in person, by mail or fax each other in the existing certification service records posted on the address (except as may be amended in writing.) Mail on the fifth business day after delivery
Deemed to have been delivered. Submitted by fax or in person, all at the time of departure is deemed to have served.
8.2 inalienability:
Customer may not assign this Agreement (including the authorization to use the certification label.) The effectiveness of this Agreement and the rights belong to their respective customers and CSA bear, administrator, heirs, executors and personal representatives.
8.3 Validity:
Since the date of this Agreement contained in the effective period of one year, except for termination under Chapter VII, the expiration of automatic extension, each extension are for one year.
8.4 Applicable Law:
Interpretation of this Agreement are governed and the laws of Canada and Ontario shall prevail.
CSA customers on these days with the signing of this agreement.
________________________________ ______________________________
RJ Falconi (CSA signed) Authorized Signature (Authorized Signature)
Vice President, General Counsel (title / department)
& Corporate Secretary ______________________________
Title (title)