Preliminary assessment and investigation of DOT certification
Release Date: [2017/3/30 15:45:25]    Total read [] Times

      A test sample of the test fails, not a special vehicle or motor vehicle equipment items did not meet the requirements of a particular FMVSS evidence. Instead, signs of a possible problem, it can lead to a comprehensive technical investigation. The first action is to notify the manufacturer by phone test fails. This allows manufacturers to take immediate action to fully investigate related to motor vehicles or vehicle equipment items. Manufacturers can choose the test laboratory and test engineers OVSC to attend a technical meeting. In this investigation, the manufacturer will be given the opportunity to review the test procedures, test instrumentation calibration, detailed test results, check vehicles and items of equipment failure and laboratory workers. This preliminary assessment of compliance beginning of the file. A preliminary assessment of the letters were sent to manufacturers require proof of inspection and test data, together with other quality control information. Preliminary assessment of the letter of response to the test engineers to analyze data is OVSC. Upon completion of the analysis, together with representatives of the manufacturer to open a technical meeting to discuss unresolved issues and the owner notified of any planned remedial actions, and the manufacturer. After the technical meeting, make a decision whether there is an obvious do not meet the requirements of FMVSS signs of whether to upgrade the investigation to follow the investigation (CI). Investigation of a letter of compliance requirements can be sent to the manufacturer for additional information. Then the test can also use the same vehicle or motor vehicle equipment project implementation.
All information is collected to the rear, OVSC These engineers will do a thorough analysis of the data. Also, proof of inspection and manufacturers test procedures and equipment. Analysis of test results and the manufacturer prove that any difference in test results OVSC and try to determine the reasons for these differences.
      Based on all available information, OVSC competent to make decision is to end PE file or CI file, if that one does not meet the entry, will continue to investigate. Manufacturers receive a CI letter that the agency is investigating the letter, showing a manufacturer recovery operations begin. If no recovery action announced by the manufacturer, security assurances and make PAS will not meet the requirements of an initial decision and the event will be submitted to the Chief Counsel's Office to do the appropriate action.
The process described above is quite simplistic event. In some cases, there may be additional investigation or testing laboratory testing and manufacturing manufacturers of equipment, additional technical meetings and communicate with each other exchanges.
Once the case to the Chief Counsel's Office, the process will be very formal. In accordance with Public Law 89-563, complete program requirements, the Principal Assistant in the Security Council to ensure that meet the requirements to make an initial decision, provided the manufacturer or any other interested party views a fair chance of hearings, the final non- consistent with the decision made by the agency administrator.

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