For any FMVSS test procedures, a detailed laboratory testing program must OVSC gradually and continuously upgraded. FMVSS minimum performance requirements specified, in a nutshell, the goal required to prove that products meet the test. OVSC laboratory test procedures to be used specified the type of laboratory test equipment, test tolerances, equipment calibration requirements, a step by step instructions and checklists, and reporting requirements. The purpose of the test program was twofold:
1. Since all the tests executed by contractors, it provides a detailed independent laboratory test performed description of the various requirements. This is to ensure the quality of test results is very important that all test results can lead to a civil penalty notice and, together with remedial actions.
2. It provides a detailed description of the vehicle and equipment manufacturers, OVSC is intended to demonstrate how the affected products to fit FMVSSs minimum performance requirements. OVSC manufacturers can use their own laboratory testing program as proof of testing and product monitoring as a guide, a more appropriate test more closely to ensure an adequate safety margin. OVSC not necessary to test all the requirements, but manufacturers should do this.
OVSC provides laboratory test procedures to the contractor laboratories as a guide to get the test data. Data is used to determine a vehicle or motor vehicle equipment items are to FMVSS minimum performance requirements. OVSC laboratory testing procedures are designed to present a consistent testing and data recording, and the use of special equipment and procedures. If any contractor observed a OVSC any part of the laboratory test procedures are in conflict with FMVSS or see the lack of laboratory testing procedures, the contracting parties were asked to advise the laboratory technical representative (COTR) and resolved before the test contradiction.
Before the start of the test program, each contractor was asked to submit a detailed test procedure to the COTR. Program must include a step by step approach used in the description. Contractor's test program should include a complete test equipment and model of the list, and a detailed checklist. Test equipment list should include tools for precision and calibration data. All equipment should be according to the manufacturer's instructions were calibrated. Laboratory testing procedures and testing procedures within the test contractor should be no contradiction. Written approval of internal testing procedures before the start of the test plan should be obtained from the COTR. OVSC laboratory testing program is not to limit or stop the contractors want to test technology or to obtain the required test data for equipment development and use. The laboratory test procedures for the use of any product or method is not approved or recommended the development. However, any such application testing techniques or equipment is to be pre-approved by the COTR.
Note: The execution of the contract OVSC through independent laboratory testing and laboratory testing procedures for the OVSC, it is not rules, regulations, or on the NHTSA FMVSS explanation. Not want to limit laboratory test procedures adapted to FMVSS (s) requirements. In some cases, OVSC laboratory testing program does not include all the various FMVSS minimum performance requirements. Suited to testing recognize that tolerance, laboratory testing procedures to specify the minimum requirements than the standard more lenient to some of the test conditions. In addition, OVSC can without prior notice to modify laboratory test procedures, COTR may direct or approve departure from these procedures contractors in the test to a standard consistent with its own approach to the application and within the scope of the contract. Laboratory testing procedures are not dependent on any person by any of the rights and interests created. Therefore, if the manufacturer limits its certification tests as described in OVSC laboratory test procedures, vehicle or motor vehicle equipment items are not necessary to prove compliance.