To ensure compliance with the vehicle safety, fuel saving, easily damaged and federal consumer information, standards, regulations enforcement procedures. The methods used to develop annual compliance testing program, including an average of 44 testable FMVSSs, 33 species (30 of 14 measurement standards and equipment standards), and randomly selected samples from the store, test them to adapt to the standard minimum implementation requirements. In addition, the vehicle detection in the new vehicle dealer and test laboratory testing found 7 non-testable FMVSSs. In the event the test fails, then there will be a survey, the survey could eventually lead to an owner notification and a remedial action, together with civil penalties.
Survey methods used and the manufacturer is required to work closely together, in a technical basis, to solve a malfunction. Typically, this procedure resulted in a manufacturer of quality control in the process of re-design of the vehicle or equipment or improvements constitute a form of corrective behavior. Most manufacturers can well during the investigation and OVSC cooperation. Manufacturers generally the time of manufacture of the vehicle to maintain a strong quality control program and motor vehicle programs.