DOT certified manufacturer responsibility
Release Date: [2017/3/30 15:37:03]    Total read [] Times

      Prove that the motor vehicles and items of equipment suited to fully comply with the minimum implementation requirements FMVSSs vehicles and motor vehicle equipment is the responsibility of the manufacturer. This is a self-certification program, but not a recognized program. NHTSA for the first time in the vehicle or equipment not issued after approval of sale of Labels. In order to provide proof, you can take any action that is appropriate. This usually means in accordance with FMVSS laboratory tests or perform other research or analysis to ensure that products are completely appropriate.

      Manufacturers can not just focus only on the initial evidence, but also monitoring vehicles and motor vehicle equipment for continuous operation in the products investigated. To accomplish this, an effective quality control program must be implemented to periodically inspect and test the assembly line chosen at random from the vehicle or motor vehicle equipment, to prove the initial execution is carried to all other units.

      OVSC office does not specify the manufacturer should use the type of quality control procedures. This decision is entrusted to the manufacturer. Vehicles and motor vehicle equipment if the project is a reasonable safety factor is designed, the manufacturer may choose to take a selective sample monitoring plan will not make changes to show the production of vehicles and motor vehicle equipment items from the complete terms and conditions. On the other hand, if the limit is less than the need to implement security standards, there will be a more stringent quality control procedures.

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