Australia C-TICK certification process
Release Date: [2017/3/31 14:43:51]    Total read [1826] Times

C-Tick is an electromagnetic compatibility part of Australia, controlled by the ACA - Australia Community Association, which currently controls only part of the interference, and enforcement of products within the control period from January 1, 1999.

Electrical safety requirements

In Australia, electrical safety compliance assessment is the responsibility of local governments. Each of the administrations unanimously adopts the Approvals Scheme of the Electrical Safety Act of 1945. This architecture divides electrical products into "Declared" and "Non-declared" categories.

The notified product shall comply with the relevant Australian safety standards and obtain the certificate of approval of the state authority.

Non-public electrical and electronic equipment can be sold without certification. However, retailers, manufacturers and importers must ensure that such electrical safety.

In Australia, the EMC requirements for electrical products are monitored by the ACA (Australian Communications Authority). Criteria for use In addition to the Australian and New Zealand standards (AS / NZS), ACA last year recognized 103 other criteria, including EN (European Norm), IEC (International Electrotechical Commission) and CISPR (International Special Committee on Radio Interference ).

In order to limit the impact of electromagnetic interference, Australia from January 1, 1999 onwards, for all within the scope of the standard products within the implementation of electromagnetic interference (EMI) mandatory requirements. Some EMC test projects must also be accompanied by mandatory requirements, such as conducted interference, intermittent interference, radio frequency radiation interference, and other EMC test items are not mandatory, such as anti-interference, electrostatic discharge (ESD), harmonics Wave, voltage flicker, and so on. After the product has been tested to meet the relevant standards, you can paste the C-Tick logo. Any company or individual who wishes to use this logo must apply to the competent government department for approval before being approved in writing and the height of the mark is not less than 3 mm

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